Q: Why should I give online? It's a personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits we hear frequently. * It's a step of faith. Deciding in advance to give faithfully. * It helps simplify life. . No trying to remember whether or not you've given this month. * It allows you to give consistently. even when you are not at church. Q: Is online giving secure? Our system used industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect date transmissions of financial and certain other information. Financial information is stored in encrypted form on computers that are not publicly accessible via the internet. Q: What forms of payment do you accept? We currently accept all debit/credit cards, bank withdrawals and Google Pay. Q: Why does St. Mark’s allow credit cards for online giving? We are committed to using every tool at our disposal to reach, nurture, and inspire spiritual growth. Used within the parameters, debit and credit cards can be efficient tools for payments and purchases. Many people utilize them in place of checks or cash through the month and then pay off the balance in full. For these people, we offer the option of using a credit card to give. Q: Will I still receive a contribution statement? Yes, we will mail your year-end giving statement directly to your registered address. This statement will include all giving. Q: Can I see what I have given in the past? Yes. All of your online giving is recorded in your account and is accessible from the link when you're logged in to the online giving system. If you give by cash or check at FBC (i.e. during the service, at the church office, etc...) It is recorded manually and will be available on your year-end contribution statement. Q: Can I schedule recurring donations? Yes- You have many options for recurring contributions. This includes one time, weekly, twice per month, monthly, yearly, etc... Select "Schedule Giving" on the online giving form. Q: Can I edit my existing recurring donation? Sure. When you log in, you can click "Schedule Giving" to edit your online giving payment. Q: Can I test this by giving one time? Yes. Unless you specify a recurring donation, your contribution will only occur once. Q: Who do I talk to if I have more questions? Contact Sue Nichols in the parish office 816-373-2600.